2023 Undergraduate Conducting Competition
Undergraduate ACDA student members are invited to submit applications for the North Carolina ACDA State Conference Student Conducting Masterclass to be held in Durham, NC on Saturday, October 14th at Duke University.
The application videos will be viewed by out-of-state judges. A maximum of 4 finalists will be selected to participate in a masterclass with clinician Dr. Craig Hella Johnson. Finalists will be given a piece to prepare for the masterclass and will conduct an octet (or more) of professional singers.
Selection Criteria
The selection committee will be guided in their acceptance process by the following criteria:
Conducting gesture
Style and articulation
Interpretation and expression
Overall effectiveness
Application Requirements
Student applicants must submit a front-facing video (video cannot exceed 6 minutes) conducting one selected work. Videos may be in WebM, .MPEG4, .3GPP, .MOV, .AVI, .MPEGPS, .WMV, .FLV, or .ogg formats. Please ensure the student name or institution name does not appear in the name of the file. The title of the video can be the composition name and composer.
The video recording can include an audio recording of a choir performance, a live choir, or piano accompaniment only. The work can be SATB, SSA, or TTB. The recording should not be in rehearsal format, but rather conducting a run-through of a piece. The video should not identify the student, institution, or professor in any way (background or apparel).
Application Date Range: May 1 - July 1, 2023
Application Fee: $30/applicant (click add to cart below)
Finalists notified with selected repertoire: September 15, 2023
Application: Google Form Below
The 2023 NC ACDA Undergraduate Competition is generously sponsored by:
William Carroll
Marta Force
For any questions regarding the masterclass or application process, please contact Nana Wolfe-Hill at n.wolfehill@wingate.edu.