All Collegiate Festival

The North Carolina Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (NC ACDA) invites conductors to select students to participate in the 3rd annual NC All-Collegiate Festival Chorus on Friday October 4, 2024 in conjunction with the Fall NC ACDA state conference at Queens University in Charlotte. The Chorus will rehearse starting at 9 AM on Friday morning and the day will conclude with a concert in at Queens University. This year, our guest conductor and clinician is Dr. Diana Saez

Conductors should do their best to nominate balanced quartets within the following guidelines:

2-year schools - 4 students (SATB)

4-year small* schools - 8 students (two SATB quartets preferred)

4-year large* schools - 12 students (three SATB quartets preferred)

*conductors should determine what classification they feel best represents their program when deciding on small or large school status

Cost per singer - $50 (includes lunch and dinner, music, clinician, pianist fees, and Saturday entrance into the conference). Chorus participants do not need to be members of ACDA to participate in the festival chorus. If directors wish to attend the full conference, please go to the conference registration page.

Registration form COMING SOON.

Any questions? Please contact Dr. Aaron Peisner ( and/or Dr. Lindsey Bruner Woodcock (